Saturday, June 12, 2010

Excess Weight - What Is The Reason

In ancient times they believed that a big man is just more of him to be loved. Poets and artists glorified people with big forms, thus sonsy women acquired the status of beauties, and such men were considered to be strong and brave warriors. In our time ideas of beauty changed radically. Fat bodies seem to be neglected, and most importantly - everyone understands that obesity leads to serious health problems.
Overweight is a metabolic disease that provokes the illnesses gaining with time the chronic form. People suffering from obesity are often have a high risk of diabetes, heart and gastro-intestinal tract diseases. Doctors note that in most cases obesity is genetically predetermined: if your parents are overweight, take care about your own physique from an early age.

Often people begin to gain weight rapidly due to diseases of adrenal and disorders in the endocrine system. Sometimes obesity arises as a complication after a severe flu, stress or malignant tumors. Excess weight may appear during violations of the hormonal or menstrual cycle of women, and for both sexes it can emerge in the period
of age-related changes.

In the U.S., 50% of the population suffer from the alimentary obesity, predefined by an excessive use of high-calorie foods. Americans should thank the "fast-foods", which they love so much.
The soups with pork, cutlets, meat dumplings with sour cream and other high calorie dishes, which abounds in our daily diet, in fact do not go in favor to anyone. Besides the need to save money forces us to overeating pasta and potato, which also add extra pounds. Lovers of spicy foods, ketchup, mayonnaise and animal fats(cheese, sour cream, balyks, bacon) risk to get ill with this unpleasant disease. Fizzy drinks, beer, ice cream and various snacks are considered to be the real carbohydrate bombs.

Interestingly, but men and women gain weight differently. Male type of obesity is called "apple-like" because the main amount of fat is laid on his belly. The female figure is shaped like a pear, as the extra weight saves on the thighs.

It should be remembered that obesity is a disease, so it is important to see a doctor in time. If a large weight is cause by other diseases, it is enough to cure the cause. In all other cases you are to stick to the proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. The endocrinologists say that diets do not involve starvation or refusal from the usual meal.

The man should eat what he wants, but often and in small portions.

The main amount of calories should be taken in the first half of the day, so do not give up hearty breakfasts. For lunch portion should be reduced. A dinner is to be not later than six o'clock in the evening. If you have to eat later, choose vegetables, protein and vegetable meal. It is perfect to eat not three, but five times a day, and in small portions.

The outstanding role in the obesity problem is played by so-called physical inactivity - sedentary way of life. It is useful to move more: walk more often, do not use the elevator... And for those who work in the office, doctors advise to make a five-minute break every hour to warm up.

But do not overdo, the main thing is to lose weight gradually - not more than 2-5 pounds per month. A fast weight loss will not bring the desired result, because the fat cells begin to starve and, like a sponge, absorb the nutrients. When the weight will come back to normal, do not relax, as for people prone to obesity a diet must become a lifestyle.

Often, the obesity develops in childhood. Babies born weighing over 9 lbs, immediately get registered. A child with an overweight has risk of diabetes. The pediatricians say that a baby may be plump until he starts to walk. Then you should not be pleased about chubby cheeks.
From the first months of a child's life, parents must strictly adhere to dietary habits: do not overfeed the child with breast or artificial milk, do not give too many high-calorie foods. Even a small child, who weighs too much, should follow a diet: instead of bread and dairy products give him soups, vegetables and fruits more often. A variety of candies, cakes and other sweets should be excluded from children's diets at all.

The health depends on the baby's family eating habits. Choose healthy low-calorie food together with the whole family.

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